Contact us in case of breakage or abnormal pain during the clinic's opening hours.

Your first visit

Welcome to our clinic. We are aware that this meeting is important to you. The consultation typically lasts from 30 to 50 minutes, and allows you to discuss your expectations and concerns with the orthodontist, ensuring Dr. Fortier’s  recommendations respond to your needs.

During the consultation, you will find answers to the following questions

  • When is the ideal time to start treatment?
  • What options are available?
  • How long the treatment will take?
  • What are the fees for the recommended care?

A report of your visit with the copy of any radiograph taken will also be forwarded to your family dentist.

We look forward to greeting you at our office soon!

After the examination

Following a detailed clinical examination of the dentition and oro-facial complex, Dr. Fortier will present you with the diagnostic details and their recommendations. If treatment is advised, the steps and appliances used will be explained to you. These recommendations are established to prevent problems, intercept issues, or correct existing conditions.

For children, Dr. Fortier may also recommend not intervening immediately. He may suggest placing the patient under observation! Orthodontic treatment will be necessary in the future, and we will then monitor the evolution and development of the dentition and jaws to determine the most beneficial time for the child to begin treatment.

A report of your visit with the copy of any radiograph taken will also be forwarded to your family dentist.

Ready for a consultation?
Contact us to schedule an appointment!

Any questions?

Feel free to contact us! Our team is here for you, always ready to meet your needs, listen to your concerns, and assist you in the most professional and efficient manner possible.